Radiofrequency lift: choice of technology
Nowadays the expectations of the customers from the nonsurgical appearance correction are high as never, however, not all of the advertized modern technologies can meet such expectations. This was the case with THERMAGE that lost its innovation shine and was replaced by a new technology. Why?
The appearance of thermage technology (radiofrequency lift) performed the real breakthrough in cosmetology as nonsurgical lift, no doubt, is the dream of any woman. Of course, the effect of radiofrequency lift for face and body promised by the manufacturer is present but not for the skin. ТHERMAGE was developed for slim and wrinkled faces without subcutaneous fat tissue (that’s why pain is characteristic of the procedure sometimes requiring anesthesia). That’s why Russian women are frequently disappointed by this method as our bodies have more subcutaneous fat tissue. We can’t say that we are encouraged by the effect onset – it takes up to 5-12 months to achieve the necessary effect. The high price of this procedure is related to the price of expendables thus limiting the space for its application on the face and body at the amount required by the patient.
Internal lift SMAS®
Internal lift system SMAS® replaced Thermage. It was developed as a technology that accumulated the advantages and excluded the disadvantages of previous thermal lift technologies. Using the ionized plasma with supersmall intensiveness effect internal lift SMAS® provides the total lift of the deep tissues of face and body, skin lift and creation of the new very strong tandem of skin and subcutaneous tissue and mobilized strained muscles providing an immediate and charming aesthetic effect. The use of three independent attachments SmartLift, SmartVolume and Periorbital stimulated the active growth stage of collagen fibers that prolong the effect of lift for 3-5 years. In the control group of 250 patients who previously was subjected to Thermage and obtained no promised result this technology was irreproachable and fully satisfied their expectations.
FRAXEL technology
FRAXEL is the technology based on selective thermolysis. It has a profound effect on epidermis, mild effect on derma, promises skin lift but, to my mind, it cannot compete with the method of structural coherent lift® of COHERENT system with in-built computer optics system CPG that allows to get deep in derma without traumas for epidermis. The duet of both methods – internal lift SMAS® and structural coherent lift® creates a new unique hi-end technology that has no competitors and provides a tremendous aesthetic result just after one procedure.
Read about our other services: face polishing.
Hollywood lift
Secrets of Jane Fonda’s beautiful ageing
Time and age are the main enemies of public persons who spend lots of money and efforts to fight them. It is a very responsible mission to be a public person demonstrating the other world how a real celebrity shall look like. And if in the past you were awarded with the title of beauty icon you shall hold it until the end of times without the luxury of natural ageing.
Famous cinema star Jane Fonda, even in her eighties, is still admired by her fans due to her perfect shape and appearance. The actress demonstrates the world her beauty and youth that are proof against years. The cornerstone of her image is healthy nutrition and sports; she also paid a tribute to plastic surgeons.
Some years ago Jane opened her mind to one of European glossy magazines having told the history of her friendship with aesthetic medicine. The actress has performed several plastic and cosmetic surgeries she applied to at various time of her life. Most of them, as you can suppose, were anti-age. So, the celebrity confirmed that she performed face lift, neck and eyelids lift, corrected her chin and removed the sags under her eyes.
At present Fonda says that she is through the plastic surgery – it is time for natural and beautiful ageing. The actress keeps going with healthy nutrition, diets and active lifestyle, affirming that the aforementioned in combination with her genes helps her to stay in good form. She said that plastic surgery is worth 10% in her result although at her age she can easily live without it.
And the specialists of beauty world consider that the cinema star plays cunning. Looking at Jane in her age with wide open eyes, high eyebrows, clear face oval and sharp chin line it is hard to imagine that this can be achieved without plastic surgery just by separate nutrition and aerobics. It is obvious that all of these are the result of qualitative face, eyelids and eyebrows lift. So Jane Fonda either underestimated or just kept secret of plastic surgery achievements that are, at least, 50% of the present Fonda’s gorgeous image and beautiful ageing.
Russel Crowe
Russel Crowe: modern gladiator youth secret
Scrupulous care after your appearance ceased to be the feminine prerogative. Modern men pay not less attention to their looks and they know all the means to maintain their handsomeness. Among them is plastic surgery but 99% of men that applied to her keep it in secret.
One of such men who underwent plastic surgery is modern gladiator Russel Crowe. In contrast to many other his colleagues in Hollywood the actor did not wait for the time when the process of ageing would become visible due to wrinkles and saggy skin. He turned to rejuvenation procedures in his early fifties. Crow did not apply any cardinal measures but underwent beauty injections and some face lift.
Professional lift of eyelids and eyebrows did well for the actor’s appearance. And, although the procedures were performed on a very high level it was hard to miss the changes in the face of the looking younger celebrity. However, Crowe gave the outright denial to the plastic surgery role in his transformation. Having the good appearance until the present day, Russel claims to the public, colleagues and journalists that he withstands the process of ageing without surgery. Moreover, he is brave enough to criticize his colleagues who are the established customers of aesthetic medicine.
According to Crowe his appearance is the effect of training, diets and special cosmetics. However, the specialists of aesthetic medicine, having examined the photos from various periods of his life, are sure that face lift and other insignificant surgery took place in the past. To their mind, the procedures had been performed very professionally so the face and mimics did not lose their naturalness although the surgery took place. And the actor’s behavior with regard to plastic surgery is just a psychological maneuver in order to keep secret of her own weakness. This way or other the gladiator loved by everyone is a talented and successful actor who deserves his own small weaknesses, fears and secrets related to them.
BEFORE (2010) |
AFTER (2013) |
Rupert Everett
Rupert Everett celebrated his 50th anniversary looking young
Appearance is one the most important components of an actor’s image. His looks are proportionate to his success, being in demand and popularity. That’s why the primary task of each representative of the cinema world, either men or woman, is to preserve the beauty and youth. Fighting the ageing all the imaginable and unthinkable means are applied and plastic surgeries are perceived as a matter of course in the world of actors.
One of the most famous Hollywood homosexuals – British actor Rupert Everett is not the exclusion of this rule. Prior to his 50th anniversary the star of My Best Friend’s Wedding thought of his appearance and irrevocable youth. Everett went to a beauty clinic for the complex correction of his appearance beloved by his fans.
Thanks to competence and skill of the plastic surgeon Rupert managed to become at least 15 years younger. According to some information it is the result of face lift, eyelids lift and correction of cheekbones that somehow changes the face oval having made it more elegant. What concerns Everett he has not still confirmed that the secret of his fantastic young appearance lies in aesthetic medicine, although it is visible despite the preserved naturalness. Some skeptics, even assuming the fact that facioplasty actually made the actor look younger, consider it to be an ungrounded caprice. His excessive youthfulness, absence of wrinkles around the eyes and on the forehead that made Rupert look as a good-looking young man have not connection with his age and eyes of a person with big experience. The natural traces of time with grey marks in his hair made him look like a real macho. And the present incarnation of young Everett creates the impression of a good makeup prior to filming.
They say that you cannot please everyone. However, many fans of Rupert Everett are very pleased with the present appearance of their beloved actor. And for the actor the satisfaction with his own appearance is not only ego satisfaction, it is the readiness to please the spectators with new interesting roles.
* Prices on procedures you can see in section "Beauty Plaza prices"