Patient O., 55 years
лифтинг лифтинг
лифтинг лифтинг

     Typical age-related changes: ptosis of eyebrows and “frowning” baggy eyes, defect of the face oval and face vector was directed downwards. Very expressed wrinkles worsened the existing situation.

     Total endoscopic facioplasty with the improvement of the tension vector in the area of the nasolabial folds, thread fibrolift of the chin and transconjunctival blepharoplasty of the lower eyelids with laser skin rejuvenation in this area. Surgery duration 1 h 40 min. Intravenous anesthesia. Inpatient care for 2 days. Aftercare for 12 days. Fibroblasts sampling was performed during the surgery and the cell bank was created.

     Laser shows miracles, it is not just erases the age-related changes but rejuvenates the skin, including inherent mechanisms of tissue regeneration. Still the patient’s skin was far from perfection, that’s why on the second stage after the operation we turned to its quality. Two procedures of the structural coherent lift ® fully removed all the aesthetic defects: wrinkles, pigment spots and capillaries. Since then the patient started to visit our clinic once in three years in order to maintain the effect of plastic surgery with the help of the procedures of internal lifting SMAS®. During her last visit she used the bank of her own fibroblasts: 17 million cells were cultivated by the time of her visit and introduced in the area of the face and the neck. The after-the-surgery photograph was made in one month after the administration of fibroblasts. And 8 years passed from the moment of the surgery.

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