Endoscopic face and neck lift
I am deeply convinced that
plastic surgery at the present moment does not solve the problem of ageing. It prolongs youth, harmonizes the face and makes it beautiful. That’s why there are so many young people among my patients. Smooth forehead, high cheekbones, fine-tuned face oval, ideal neck and young eyes can be easily obtained using the technologies of endoscopic lift.
. It is one of my favorite surgeries that makes a patient look 10-15 years younger without any incisions on the face, securing the full preservation of individuality of image. It also helps to restore the youth shape and proportions of the face. Moreover, the effect of endoscopic lift decelerates the age-related changes in the future thus preventing from the necessity of age-related changes in future.

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Face lift: endolift
I am deeply convinced that plastic surgery at the present moment does not solve the problem of ageing. It prolongs youth, harmonizes the face and makes it beautiful. That’s why there are so many young people among my patients.

Through just one microapproach high in the scalp we perform the layer-by-layer reposition of all tissues with further fixation by special biomatrix that is used in cardiac surgery for gluing of vessels. This unique method guarantees the lifetime effect of the young face oval. Endoscopic lift of the upper part of the face allows the removal of the visible drooping of the upper eyelids without the standard incision blepharoplasty.
Endolift of the lower part of the face creates the clear line of the face oval, removes the nasolabial folds and lifts the neck region. And all the aforementioned without any visible incisions. If the age-related changes of the face came through the border of the efficacy of endoscopic methods the combination of the upper part with neck and cheek plastic surgery of the face is offered. The endoscopic lift is performed not only for the removal of age-related changes but in order to make corrections in some natural features. For example, “frowning” eyes, drooping of the external corners of the eyes (so-called “calf eyes effect”) and asymmetry in the position of the eyebrows.
Liposuction of cheeks and chin can be an elegant addition to endoscopic lift. Moreover, one shall pay attention to the condition of the upper and lower eyelids.
Intensive recovery complex includes the full course of physiotherapy and cosmetology procedures that will return the patient to the usual course of life in the shortest term. The recovery of the upper part of the face after the endoscopic lift takes only 5 days.