Nonsurgical age correction

    About 7 years ago this woman underwent a circular face lift but the result was unsatisfactory. One of Moscow clinics where the patient had applied performed the complex of rejuvenation procedures. The results of these procedures you can see on “pre-surgery” photos.

    We needed only two visits during which we performed 2 procedures of internal lift SMAS® that removed the looseness and sagginess of tissues, 2 procedures of the structural coherent lift® of the upper and lower eyelids that “erased” the small wrinkles around her eyes. Hernias, gill and bulges were removed by special injections. The work on her image was completed by 2 procedures of rhinoplasty. While we were engaged in appearance harmonization the delicate sampling of fibroblasts was performed and the personal cell bank was created. And the bank was required by the patient in three months after the sampling. The “after-surgery” photo was made in three weeks after the injection of fibroblasts.