Cosmetology for men

    A very pleasant young man who cares how he looks. He manages a large company and cannot look bad. There are some signs of age-related changes: drooping eyelids, especially external corners, “blurry” face oval and growing gill.

    Performed: endoscopic forehead lift in combination with the liposuction of chin and cheeks. Surgery duration 35 min, intravenous anesthesia. Inpatient care for 2 days. Wearing of compression garments for 5 days. The result exceeded the patient’s expectations and we kept our promise. During the surgery we took the samples of three types of cells from different tissues (skin – fibroblasts, bone marrow and fat tissue) and created a personal bank of stem cells.

    During aftercare he was offered two procedures of internal lift SMAS®. Thus we prolonged the surgery results for many years. The harmonization of his appearance was completed by the correction of his nose length and shape.