Nonsurgical face-lift

    These are the works that provide me with even more drive from my job! I am happy that I can return youth for a woman and make her believe in her attractiveness.

    This woman has miraculous eyes but her face oval is of specific type. To my mind she is of that category of the patients who receive no maximum aesthetic satisfaction from the plastic surgery. Notwithstanding the competence of the surgeons it will be seen that the patient has undergone the plastic surgery. To tell more, the patient felt that herself.

    Her stay at Moscow and, respectively, at our clinic was limited, that’s why we performed internal lift SMAS® the very day of her visit and injections that removed the excess subcutaneous fat tissue in the region of nasolabial bulges, chin and the lower part of the face. Her face changed: we removed the ptosis of the upper eyelids and lacrimal grooves, and the face vector was directed upwards. Her face started to look significantly younger and still elegant!

    This face, of course, should have a more elegant nose. That’s why we corrected its shape a bit as a compliment from BEAUTY PLAZA®.