Ideal face oval

    To my mind at this age a woman shall look the other way. The typical signs leading to serious appearance changes: loose tissue, excess subcutaneous fat tissue that make the face vector look downwards, the nasolabial folds and the ptosis of the upper eyelids – all of that make the surrounding people think of her as of a “tired” aged woman.

    The patient put the task firmly – she wanted to get rid of this “mask of tiredness” and look significantly younger.

    So we performed two procedures of internal lift SMAS with 3 days interval with the application of SmartVolume® and SmartLift® diffusion attachments. We treated not only the region of the face but her neck, too. Applying PeriOrbital® diffusion attachment we leveled up the external corner of her eyes thus making the look of her eyes more open. The injections of fat lipolysis factor removed the so-called “flews”. So her face became less chubby and the oval got its clear lines and the face vector was directed upwards.